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Today is D-Day. It is the day the allied troops landed in Normandy, France to begin a new assault on the Nazi occupation of Europe. As a daughter of Gerald Firth, I grew up learning about WWII through the eyes of a patriot. Dad was a great admirer of those who served and taught me that same appreciation for what has been called The Greatest Generation.

This morning I have been reading articles and thinking about the significance of this moment in time. I read about the woman who was responsible for reporting the weather which led to choosing this day for the invasion. I read a 100-year-old American survivor's account of being part of the second wave to reach the beaches already strewn with soldiers who did not survive. And I have read about the civilian cost among the people of France who lost loved ones, their homes, and entire villages. It is estimated that close to 20,000 civilians died in the invasion. The price of freedom is staggering. It is a price I have never needed to pay.

And this morning I read articles about Ukraine, Gaza, Israel, and Sudan. Places where people are engaging in violence, murder, the destruction of lives, and the devastation of homes. Today people are in danger. Today children are living in fear. Today lives will be lost and communities destroyed.

Today, our faith in Jesus Christ and our willingness to be peacemakers is just as important as it was when He spoke these words two thousand years ago: “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." -Matthew 8:9

Today, make a decision for peace. Today, build up, not tear down. Today, offer acceptance and love. Today give thanks.

With gratitude for those who for those who are working for peace,

We had sooooo much fun last year, we decided to do it again. Mark your calendars and make plans to join us on Wednesday, June 12, for Family Fun Night at Rutledge-Wilson Farm Park. There will be animals, hayrides, food, bounce houses, and games. Let us know if you can make it and RSVP right here!
Our fearless leader is heading off into retirement! Help us send Lori off with a wonderful celebration after worship on Sunday, June 23. There will have some big laughs, fun memories, and delicious lunch. We will shower her with cards, so mark your calendars and plan to join us. If you haven't RSVP'd in the bulletin on a Sunday, you can always just email us back right here.

Mark your calendars for the annual All Church Picnic! The fun is happening on Sunday, July 7, from 4:30-7pm at the Phelps Grove Park pavilion. It's going to be a great time as we welcome our new lead pastor, Brian, and his family. We've never met the guy, so please be nice to him. And don't forget–you have a job that day. If you are under 40 bring chips and drinks. If you are between 40-70, bring a side dish. And if you are over 70, bring a dessert. RSVP HERE!

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