To The Downtown Church Family, 

For the past five weeks I have shared what are the foundational truths of my faith. I believe these are firm rock on which The Downtown Church stands. God is love. God is grace. God is triune, revealing the depth and breadth of God’s love through the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Yesterday I spoke of how those truths have held our church through the mysteries we have already faced and will continue to do so. They are rock solid and reflected in the lives of those who have chosen to call The Downtown Church their home.

I also announced my retirement effective June 30, 2024. If you were unable to join us for worship yesterday, I invite you to watch the service on Youtube or Facebook. From beginning to end, it demonstrates the love that is deeply embedded in our DNA and will carry all of us forward. 

The most common response I have received is “We knew it was coming, but now we know when.” Followed by “We will be ok.” The Downtown Church’s vision and ethos are much greater than any one person, and you all know that. Our vision is based on the love of God revealed in Jesus Christ and His greatest commandment: Love God, love neighbor.

The FAQ linked here contains all of our answers at this time. When a new lead pastor is appointed by Bishop Farr we will let you know. We have plenty of time together to prepare well. And I know—because I know you—that, as Julian Norwich in the 14th century said, “All will be well. All manner of thing will be well.” God is love. God is grace. God is triune. We stand on solid ground. 

Blessings, See you Sunday, Go Chiefs!
