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Greetings from The Downtown Church! This is a bi-weekly email with information about events, updates, and other fun things from the leadership of the church.

I am ready for Holy Week. Not in the sense of having it all together, but the year we just experienced makes the events of this week even more precious to me. There have been moments when the darkness and difficulties have seemed overwhelming. I’m ready for Easter.

I’m ready to celebrate the majesty and wonder of Jesus entering Jerusalem on Palm Sunday. I need to cheer with the crowd. Wave palm branches, take off my coat and throw it in his path - creating a carpet for the King of Kings. I need to remember that Jesus entered this city willingly, knowing what would transpire was why he had entered humanity.

I need the reminders of Thursday night in the Upper Room. There, the second person of the Trinity, Father Son and Holy Spirit, took off his robe, knelt before each disciple and washed their feet. Jesus, their Lord and Teacher, says this is what it means to follow him. This is grace. This is mercy. When he stands to break bread and pass the cup, and tells them to, “Do this and remember me,” I need to know once again that the table of Jesus is huge, and all are invited. When he prays in the Garden of Gethsemane and walks toward the soldiers who will arrest him, torture him, and crucify him, I need to hear again the words he spoke on the cross that shake me to my core, “Father, forgive them, they don’t know what they are doing.”

I need Holy Saturday to contemplate the death, grieve the loss, remember the pain. And then I am ready for Easter. Resurrection, death is defeated, life everlasting is assured. The worst that the world can do will not have the last word. There is nothing that can separate us from the love of God. I am ready for Holy Week. Will you join me?

See you this Palm Sunday online or in person,

Easter is only a week away and we are so excited to celebrate with you, either in-person or online. On Easter morning, we'll have two services - 8:30am and 10:30am - to allow for more people and meet the capacity guidelines. If you're not ready to get back to the sanctuary, you can still join us online at 10:30am on Facebook Live or our YouTube Channel.
Every Wednesday until Easter, you can join us on Wednesdays at 7pm for a short Vespers service. There'll be songs, prayer, and reflection as we take a moment during the week to remember this journey towards Easter. You can watch it anytime on our Facebook page or YouTube channel.
We'll remember Good Friday on April 2nd. You can catch the service on Facebook Live or our YouTube channel at 7pm.
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